At the command (given by the M.C.) Ready, set, go! the guest 'roller' releases the cheese, which rolls down the hill at great speed. At this point the competitors hurl themselves down the slope after the cheese. The first person to arrive at the foot of the hill wins the cheese. Those who come second or third receive a small cash prize.The slope has a gradient that is in places 1-in-2 and in others 1-in-1, its surface is very rough and uneven and it is almost impossible to remain. All you have to do is arrive at the top of the hill, make the decision (possibly check that your 'Last will and testament ' is up-to-date!) make sure that you won't need that pair of jeans ever again and ......... GO!!!!
The Champion and Cheese Rolling Legend Stephen Gyde (Brockworth, Gloucester)
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